LSYC is committed to protecting and conserving the environment. The Club endorses the following policies:
Used Oil - Dispose of used oil in container labeled 'USED OIL'. Do not place antifreeze or other liquids in this container.
Paint or Solvents - Empty paint cans, trays, dried brushes and rollers may be put in the regular garbage disposal unit. Cans containing liquid paint should be removed from Club premises and either stored at home or taken to a designated municipal disposal site.
Paint Scraping/Sanding - When removing old bottom paint and/or gelcoat, care must be taken to contain all removed material. Use or sand or soda blasting (or any other method using the introduction of air) is not recommended and may be undertaken only with written approval of the Property Manager. Before scraping or sanding the boat, spread a plastic sheet on surrounding ground and erect a suitable windbreak if necessary. When scraping is complete, carefully fold or roll plastic sheeting and remove it from the site.
Toxic Antifreeze (ethylene glycol) - Use of nontoxic antifreeze (propylene glycol) is recommended. This is environmentally friendly and quite safe for engines provided it contains rust inhibitors.
Toxic antifreeze MUST NOT be pumped into the harbour or onto the grounds. If you choose to use toxic antifreeze, the following procedures must be followed: When winterizing or preparing for launch, have a helper stand by the exhaust to collect excess toxic antifreeze either directly into a container or by hose to a container. Flush system with water to ensure that all the antifreeze has been removed. Refer to your city/community website for disposal locations or google to find out when your next community recycling day is..
Flammable Materials - Care must always be taken when storing goods such as gasoline, diesel, propane or any type of varsol-based materials. Store propane tanks outside the boat or in separate outside vented lockers. Check for leaks from internal lines to stoves and other appliances.
Old Propane Tanks - These must be removed from Club property.
Old Batteries - Old batteries must be placed in the appropriately labeled area near the used oil and antifreeze disposal or remove them from Club property. Most battery retailers will accept old batteries.
Refueling - No boat should be refueled at its slip.
Beer/Wine/Spirit Bottles and Cans - Members are encouraged to return all empties to “The Beer Store” for the return of your deposit. However, if you choose to donate your deposit to the Club, you will find a large, green, wheeled bin by the external stairs to the balcony for your contribution.
Cans/Bottles/Paper/Plastic - The Club has recycle bins near the BBQ pavilion and wheeled recycling containers next to the garbage dumpster. Place cans, bottles, paper and recyclable plastics in the appropriately marked containers.
Regular Garbage - This must be disposed of in the Club dumpster. DO NOT put garbage in the city walkway containers. Garbage cans on site are for the barbecue and eating areas and not for disposing of garbage brought from your boat or car. Use the dumpster for this.
Pump Out - Ensure your boat is securely tied up and pump connection is firmly in place. If unsure of operation, contact a staff member for assistance.
NOTE: the water hose located next to the pump is for rinsing only and should NOT be used for potable water.